Thursday, July 31, 2008

Ridiculous Apps

Is it just me or are some of the applications on facebook just completely ridiculous? What up with quizzes like: "Are you a penis or A Vagina?" or applications like: vandalize your friend's profiles? I think they're getting a little out hand! A lot of profiles are so cramped up with all this crap that it takes ages for it to load, and the computer usually freezes in the end anyway! Sometimes I can't even find the wall in the middle of all that junk.

Another thing I hate is the fact that I have to bombard and be bombarded with dozens of invitations to these idiotic applications every day. People's all time favorite seems to be the 'Texas Hold Em Poker' which I had to block because I was getting near 10 invitations a day for that app alone! STOP forcing me to invite 1, 5, 10, or even 20 friends! It's annoying!

They should also get the Online Friends page back because that stupid bar at the bottom of the screen is hardly ever functional and the chat is really unreliable - it always disconnects.

In fact, the only good thing they did was remove that mandatory 'is' at the beginning of the 'Status'...finally!

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